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Pictures & Hypersensibilty...

Feelings in heart and a taste of freakieness as an imagination in head for building pictures and grabbing moments- build your own aesthatik


Perception, analytics, scanning, expression, impression, obervations be elements and caracteristics of my jazzy own. Since i was 13 i practise in photography. With semi- professional education and basics in development and shoot technichs. Experimental and conservative with a sensitive touch of melancholia and freakieness. Big thanks to my dad. He gave his camera in the beginning. I still do the most of these pictures with this old symply PRACTIKA L. The little selection of pictures shows a few insights in many lovely people and moments/thinkings wich are parts of my life.

What´s involved in 90% ? 10% of the Pictures was made by Small Hand- Camera in digital.  Favourite substitute. Big thanks to all of the lovely people and pets in my pictures and all these beautiful places they´ve seen trough my eyes and my lenses- so far.

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